Helping The Homeless


We reach out to homeless individuals through volunteers and provide them with assitance and resources on how to access  free rent, temporary housing, and access to permanent supportive housing. We assist the disabled   to  become stable and productive members of their communities.

We work with locals, the local government, and private sponsrs to provide transport and resources for the homeless to government agencies to follow up on  obtaining disability benefits and agencies that offer  job training assistance to the homeless,  veterans, disabled, and youth.


While permanent housing, often coupled with supportive services, is the best way to end homelessness, many individuals and families need short-term stabilization before they can find housing that will meet their long term needs.

We work with local shelters to provide new homless individuals resources on where and how to access homeless shelters. 


Since homeless persons can be reluctant to leave the streets and accept emergency shelter or transitional housing, we work with local agenices to help the homeless get access to  drop-in centers. These are places where homeless youth or adults can get off the streets and find a temporary safe haven. And often, when homeless persons begin to trust drop-in center staff, they agree to leave the streets and enter transitional or permanent housing.


Work with local placement agencies and the local governemetns to educate homless indiviuals on how to  gain access transitional housing programs that are operated with one goal in mind — to help individuals and families obtain permanent housing as quickly as possible.

Our services serve diverse populations — from women, disabled, and children who are victims of domestic violence to homeless veterans who have spent years living on the streets.


For a significant number of homeless Americans with mental or physical impairments, often coupled with drug and/or alcohol use issues, long-term homelessness can only be ended by providing permanent housing coupled with intensive supportive services.

Helping the Homeless Community

In 2017, over 553,000 Americans were homeless. 40 million people struggle with hunger and 40.6 million officially live in poverty.


5938 Mourning Dove Drive, Jurupa Valley  -  California    -  91752

Tel: 651-800-5991