
Monetary Donation

We so appreciate your support! Your gift today will help us feed the hungry, shelter the homeless, and offer hope in Jesus' name.You'll be helping to provide nutritious food, warm clothing, and love for those who need it.

Thank you!

Non-Monetary Donations

You can help us in so many ways—the opportunities are limitless!

Donate Food. Every month we deliver about 50 Family Food Boxes, each with 15 meals.

You can help us by donating nonperishable food such as:

  • Rice
  • Beans
  • Soups
  • Pastas
  • Peanut butter
  • Canned meat
  • Canned fruits
  • Mac-n-cheese
  • Canned vegetables

Donate Your Car, Truck or RV

Help the hungry and homeless by giving your unneeded car, truck, or RV to the City Mission.

Vehicles can be sold and the proceeds used to feed the hungry.

(Since we don't have the means to repair vehicles, they must be in driveable condition.)


Donate Clothing

Do you have clothes you haven't worn in years? Send them our way!

We're desperately in need of men's and children's clothing, especially large sizes of socks and undergarments.

Unfortunately, we can't use items that are broken, dirty, stained or ripped.


Be a Sponsor

You can help us acquire food donations by sponsoring:

  • Food drives through schools, churches, or scout troops
  • Collection boxes in the lobbies of churches or businesses
  • Individuals ready to drop off a bag or two of groceries

Other ways for you to donate:

  1. Credit Card Donation by Phone
      Call us at 651-800-5991. Please mention that you found us online.
  2. Mail Your Gift:
    Joshua and Hannah Mauti Foundation
    5938 Mourning Dove Dr, Jurupa Valley, Ca, 91752 
  3. Drop Off Your Gift (Financial, Clothing, or Household Items)
    Bring your donations to our Distribution Center anytime
    Fridays and Saturdays -  from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

We're located at:  5938 Mourning Dove Dr, Jurupa Valley, Ca, 91752

Or, call  651-800-5991 to make other arrangements.

5938 Mourning Dove Drive, Jurupa Valley  -  California    -  91752

Tel: 651-800-5991